Workshop on Lattices and Relations

12-14th September 2012

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation

University of Amsterdam

The Netherlands

[Aim and Scope]    [Invited Speakers]    [Programme]     [Featured Topics]    [Important Dates]    [Organizers]     [Information]    [Practical Info]

Featured topics

We invite to submit proposals for contributed talks dealing with topics falling under the scope of the meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
  • (finite) Axiomatisability of classes of algebras;
  • Computational aspects e.g. decidability and complexity of the equational theory, representation problem for abstract algebras, finite representation property;
  • Duality theory, completions and canonical extensions;
  • Applications to logics and program semantics, computability.
  • Kleene algebras, quantales, and other algebras of relations.