Synthese Conference on Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods in Formal Epistemology


 Day 1: Thursday 20 November


09.00-09.10: Tea, Coffee, Registration

09.10-09.15: Opening words, Sonja Smets

09.15-09.30: The editors in chief (about Synthese)


Morning Session 1, Chair: Sonja Smets

 09.30-10.25: Eric Pacuit: Full beliefs, partial beliefs and mistakes in games

 10.25-10.45: Tea and coffee break 

Morning Session 2, Chair: Olivier Roy

 10.45-11.40: Barteld Kooi: Dynamic epistemic logic: expressivity and succinctness

11.40-12.35: Jan van Eijck : Belief, Uncertainty, and Probability

12.35-14.00: Lunch break


Afternoon Session, Chair: Branden Fitelson

 14.00-14.55: Richard Bradley: Unawareness and Incompleteness: Relational versus

Quantitative Conceptions of Belief

 14.55-15.15: Tea and coffee break

 15.15-16.10: Sherrilyn Roush: Closure and the Growth of Error

16.10-16.30: Hannes Leitgeb: (video presentation)

16.30-17.25: Alexandru Baltag: From Probability to Knowledge: a Bayesian framework for

defeasibility theory


18.30 : Conference dinner



Day 2: Friday 21 November 


Morning session, Chair: Barteld Kooi

 09.30-10.25: Branden Fitelson : Belief and Credence: The View From Naïve Epistemic Utility


 10.25-10.40: Tea and coffee break

10.40-11.35: Jan-Willem Romeijn: Pooling as a Bayesian update: relations with Condorcet 

                          and Aumann (partly joint with Olivier Roy)

11.35-12.30: Kevin T Kelly (joint with K. Genin and H. Lin): Topology, Simplicity and the

Optimal Truth Conduciveness of Ockham’s Razor

12.30-13.30: Lunch Break


Afternoon session, Chair: Eric Pacuit

13.30-14.25: Nina Gierasimczuk: Belief and Learning: A Topological Perspective

14.25-15.20: Johan van Benthem: Logic and Philosophy, Life on the Edge

15.20-15.35: Tea and coffee break

15.35-16.30: Vincent Hendricks :  10 Years of Formal Philosophy

16.30-16.45: Closing session