Call for Abstracts

Submissions should be made via the AC2024 OpenReview site.


Submission Details

Authors can submit an anonymous abstract of at most two pages (excluding references), with an optional third page for tables and figures, with 1 inch margin and 11pt font. The time for presentations of accepted submissions for both regular programme and the workshops is 30 mins (20/25 mins + Q&A).


The Amsterdam Colloquium will also feature a poster/lighting talks session for both the regular programme and the workshops. Poster presentations will be published as regular papers in the proceedings. The time for lighting talks is 3 mins.


The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 1 September 2024. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 20 October. Authors of accepted abstracts will either be invited to give a talk or to present a poster at the conference. All accepted abstracts, including for the poster session, will be included as full papers in the proceedings. Full papers (6 pages, excluding references) are due on 1 December. The proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium will be downloadable from the Amsterdam Colloquium website during the conference.


Important: Please note that

  • It can take up to 12 hours for an OpenReview account to be activated. If you plan to submit and have not made an OpenReview account yet, please do so as soon as possible in order to ensure that the account is active before the deadline.
  • Open Review recommends that authors use institutional emails. If you plan to use a personal email, an individual moderation process which can take up to two weeks will take place.


Important Dates

Submission deadline:

1 September 2024

Notification of acceptance:

20 October 2024

Deadline for proceeding papers:

1 December 2024


18-20 December 2024