
The programme of the 24th Amsterdam Colloquium is available here.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024
8.30 – 9.20 Registration and Coffee
9.20 – 9.30 Opening (Turingzaal)
9.30 – 10.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Floris Roelofsen)

Ivano Ciardelli

Questions and their subject matters

10.30 – 10.45



Workshop: Dynamic and Inquisitive: Themes from the Work of Jeroen Groenendijk

Turingzaal (Chair: Fausto Carcassi)

Session on Modality I

Eulerzaal (Chair: Tom Schoonen)

10.45 – 11.15 

Valentin D. Richard

Dynamic effects of modalized questions

Paolo Santorio

Bounds for Metaphysical Modality

11.15 – 11.45

Tom Roberts

Just-asking questions

Andrés Soria Ruiz

Expressive inferences & mighty obstacles

11.45 – 12.00


12.00 – 12.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Giorgio Sbardolini) - Lightning Talks

Simon Wimmer: "Believe" is not a propositional attitude verb

John Duff & Daniel Altshuler: Reanalysis in discourse comprehension: Evidence from reading times 

Tom Ralston: Generic Explanations for Generics

Stavroula Alexandropoulou, Kurt Erbach, Richard Breheny, Clemens Mayr, Jacopo Romoli, Yasutada Sudo: Non-maximality effects in gestural plural predication

Adèle Hénot-Mortier: Scalarity, information structure and relevance in varieties of Hurford Conditionals

Yaqing Hu: Same Type of Comparatives, But with Different Syntax and Semantics

Tatiana Bondarenko, Richard Luo, Vincent Rouillard: Thinking Statively and Dynamically: a view from Georgian


Torgrim Solstad & Oliver Bott: Causal abductive reasoning in discourse processing: Evidence from eye tracking

12.30 – 14.30 

Lunch + Poster Session

14.30 – 15.30

Turingzaal (Chair: Marieke Schouwstra)

Veneeta Dayal

Overtly marked mention-all questions

15.30 – 15.45



Session on Disjunction

Turingzaal (Chair: Maria Aloni)

Session on Epistemic Verbs

Eulerzaal (Chair: Beste Kamali)

15.45 – 16.15

Manfred Krifka

Exceptions to Hurford’sConstraint and Disjunctions over Speech Acts

Pranav Anand & Natasha Korotkova

Facts, intentions, questions: English “come-to-know” predicates in deliberative environments

16.15 – 16.45

Justin Bledin

Free Choice With Arbitrary Variables

Marta Abrusan

Non-factive “know”: What does it mean?

16.45 – 17.15

Adina Camelia Bleotu, Mara Panaitescu, Alexandre Cremers, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz, Gabriela Bilbiie, Lyn Tieu

More than one way to free choice: A view from child Romanian

Andrea Matticchio

Neg-raising interacts with implicatures: The case of doubt

17.15 – 18.00

Eulerzaal - Mentoring Session

20.00 – 24.00

Reception at Hannekes Boot

Thursday, 19 December 2024
9.30 – 10.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Paul Dekker)

Liz Coppock

Metrology and Mereology

10.30 – 10.45



Session on Quantification

Turingzaal (Chair: Sonia Ramotowska)

Session on Conditionals I

Eulerzaal (Chair: Takanobu Nakamura)

10.45 – 11.15 

Paloma Jeretic, Aurore Gonzalez, Itai Bassi, Kazuko Yatsushiro, Uli Sauerland

DUAL as a core concept and the pronounceability of alternatives

Calum McNamara & Xueyin Zhang

Dutch books, Indicative conditionals, and Rational updating

11.15 – 11.45

Andrew Kato

Relative quantification and equative scope-taking

Alexander W. Kocurek

Counterpossibles, functional decision theory, and artificial agents

11.45 – 12.00


12.00 – 12.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Fausto Carcassi) - Lightning Talks

Eleonora Zani, Ivano Ciardelli, Emanuela Sanfelici: Testing theories of SDA via acquisition

Andreea Nicolae, Yasutada Sudo, Muyi Yang: On the anti-exhaustive inference of ya 

Andrej Jovicevic: A Modal Semantics for Weak, Question-Sensitive Belief

Yasuke Yagi, Takanobu Nakamura, Kenta Mizutani: Toward a semantic theory of universal NCIs

Lisa Bylinina, Stavroula Alexandropoulou, Yasutada Sudo: Priming NPI Acceptability Judgments and The Bagel Problem

Maik Thalmann & Andrea Matticchio: On being certain that presuppositions don’t project universally

Hitomi Hirayama: A Pragma-Semantic Account for Negative Island Obviation by Wa in Japanese

12.30 – 14.00 

Lunch + Poster Session


Session on Plurals

Turingzaal (Chair: Emile Enguehard)

Session on Conditionals II

Eulerzaal (Chair: Dean McHugh) 

14.00 – 14:30

Jad Wehbe, Kate Kinnaird, Martin Hackl Distributivity facilitates ACD resolution

Fabrizio Cariani

Default Premise Semantics for Anankastic Conditionals

14.30 – 15.00

Kurt Erbach, Stavroula Alexandropoulou, Richard Breheny, Clemens Mayr, Jacopo Romoli, Yasutada Sadu

Putting summative predicates into context

David Boylan

How Conditionals Restrict

15.00 – 15.15



Session on Presuppositions

Turingzaal (Chair: Marco Degano)

Session on Events and Properties

Eulerzaal (Chair: Giorgio Sbardolini)

15.15 – 15.45

Silvia Silleresi, Itai Bassi, Abigail Bimpeh, Imke Driemel, Anastasia Nuworsu, Maria Teresa Guasti

The interpretation of logophoric and ordinary pronouns in Ewe: an experimental study

Yael Greenberg & Hedde Zeijlstra

What is special about special?

15.45 – 16.15

Alexandros Kalomoiros, Matthew Mandelkern, Jacopo Romoli, Florian Schwarz

Presuppositions project asymmetrically, unless they don’t

Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Bernhard Schwarz

To compose a number is to compose a cardinality: evidence from intensional contexts

16.15 – 16.45

Elena Herburger & Paul Portner

Additive Presuppositions and Logical Strength

Boram Kim

Measuring event participants

16.45 – 17.00


17.00 – 18.00

Turingzaal (Chair: Luca Incurvati)

Salvatore Florio

Singularism, Pluralism,

and Definitional Equivalence

20.30 – 21.30 

Beth Lecture

Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425

(Chair: Johan van Benthem)

Angelika Kratzer

Title:  Possible worlds in a polyphony of meanings

Friday, 20 December 2024
9.30 - 10.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Robert van Rooij)

Wataru Uegaki

Semantic triviality leads to ungrammaticality through iterated learning

10.30 – 10.45



Workshop: Identifying and Explaining Universals of Semantics

Turingzaal (Chair: Fausto Carcassi)

Session on Philosophy of Logic

Eulerzaal (Chair: Simone Picenni)

10.45 – 11.15 

Irina Nemtcova & Jakub Szymanik

Explaining universal semantic properties in the adjectival/adverbial domain

Ludovica Conti  (cancelled)

Arbitrary Frege Arithmetic

11.15 – 11.45

Mora Maldonado, Ruizhe Zhou, Benjamin Spector

An experimental assessment of the nall lexical gap

Brett Topey & Julien Murzi

What is Carnap’s Problem and How Can We Solve it?

11.45 – 12.00


12.00 – 12.30 

Turingzaal (Chair: Giorgio Sbardolini) - Lightning Talks

Teruyuki Mizuno: A localist approach to the semantics and distribution of X-marking

Valeria Gradimondo, Lucia M. Tovena, Timothée Bernard: Crossing different ontological domains: the case of appena

Alexandre Cremers: Vagueness and pragmatic reasoning in quantified sentences 

Lera Marinina: Northern Khanty demonstratives: a markedness-based approach

Patrick Elliott & Filipe Hisao Kobayashi: Ignorance under attitudes

Fenna Berger & Matthijs Westera: Testing Unalternative Semantics on a large corpus of naturalistic speech

Zhuang Chen: Evaluativity in even-hosting comparatives: Information structure and salient scales

Fabian Schlotterbeck, Polina Berezovskaya, Sigrid Beck: Age stratification in collective readings of Present Day English ‘every’-DPs

Hongchen Wu & Maxime Alexandra Tulling: On the availability of inverse scope reading in Dutch doubly-quantified thetic sentences

12.30 – 14.30 

Lunch + Poster Session


Session on Modality II

Turingzaal (Chair: Tom Roberts)

Session on Names

Eulerzaal (Chair: Alexandre Cremers) 

14.30 – 15.00

Angelica Hill

The Case for an Anchored CAUSE

Sreekar Raghotham

Loose nominals

15.00 – 15.30 

David Boylan & Ginger Schulteis

Ability and Actuality

Eli Sharf

What appositives can tell us about names and definite descriptions

15.30 – 16.00

Jakob Majdic

Circumstantial indirectness: Future orientation of modals revisited

Peter R. Sutton & Hana Filip

Making a statement: eventuality denoting nominals

16.00 – 16.15


16.15 – 17.15 

Turingzaal (Chair: Karolina Krzyzanowska)

Eleonore Neufeld

Giving Generic Language Another Thought