
Informal social gatherings with Tea (or otherwise prefered beverage). Less presentation, more discussion!

Everybody brings his own two cents on the topic to chat about freely.

Your least and most favourite aspects of Phil. of Math

Another informal social gathering of our group for tea time! A good opportunity to get to know better the new members.

The topic: things that impressed and irritated us the most in the PoM during the 3 months the group runs. Of course, people can bring their own most and least favorite things regarding PoM outside of the group’s activity.

Gödel Ontological Argument

For this special Christmas meeting, Rodrigo will be introducing Kurt Gödel’s argument about the existence of God, a classic medieval argument formalized in modal logic.

No reading preparation is required.

During the session, Rodrigo will present the argument, followed by a discussion.

Slides used during the presentation are available here. See also a handout with the proof.

The Linguistics of Numerals

What are numeral words, and how do they work in different languages? Can we extract meaningful insights on the nature of numbers by inspecting the linguistics of the words that denote them?

During the session, Bobby will present an overview of the topic and the different research approaches to date, followed by a discussion.

Slides used in the presentation are available here

Constructive vs. Non-Constructive Proofs

We will join for a Zoom tea where we will discuss constructive and non-constructive proofs.

We ask participants, although not necessary, to have a constructive and a non-constructive proof of a theorem they find interesting or illustrative, along with a relevant philosophical input.).