Contact Us
Suggest a topic or paper! We are happy for external feedback. You may:
If there’s a paper you have been wanting to read and would like to do so in a group, you can suggest it and it will be part of an upcoming Reading Meeting. If you already know the paper you are welcome to do a short presentation before the discussion, but we are happy to read papers that nobody has approached before!
Would you like us to discuss a general topic, without sticking to a specific paper? Even better, are you knowledgeable about a topic that you think could be relevant to the group, and you would like to give a short presentation about it? Then feel free to propose the content of the next Φ-Tea meeting.
Is there a specific speaker you would like us to invite and for what purpose? Let us know and we’ll try to contact them.
Do you have any other idea for a Φ-Math event? Let us know!
Whatever your choice, you can let us know by writing us a mail to (all) the current board members:,