Contributed Talks Schedule Friday


Friday 12


Friday Room 1.01 ( 50 pp max) Room 1.02 (50 pp max) Room  2.01  (30 pp max)
16 - 16:15
[4] Nikolay Bazhenov, Ekaterina Fokina, Dino Rossegger, Alexandra Soskova, and Stefan Vatev. Learning families of algebraic structures from text.
[15] Benjamin Hellouin de Menibus and Rémi Pallen. Two-player domino games.
[25] Gunnar Wilken. Fundamental sequences based on localization.
16:15 - 16 30
16:30 - 16:45 Cipriani. Different criteria for learning families of structures David Roger Belanger. Alternative proofs of the Coding Lemma Miller. Skolem Functions for Galois Groups of Algebraic Field Extensions
16:45 -17 Franklin, Rojas. Fourier series and Martin-Löf randomness Nakid Cordero. Uniform Martin’s Conjecture in the Enumeration Degrees Oh, Kim, Lee, Choi, Park. On structures in which P = NP (Online)