Contributed Talks Schedule Tuesday


Tuesday 9


Tuesday Room 1.01 ( 50 pp max) Room 1.02 (50 pp max) Room  2.01  (30 pp max)
10:30- 10:45
[14] Ellen Hammatt. Structures of finite punctual dimension n > 2.
[24] Hong Hanh Tran and Guohua Wu. A diamond embedding theorem in the quotient structure R/Ncup.
[16] Henning Fernau, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy, and Indhumathi Raman. Counting simple rules in semi-conditional grammars is not simple.
10:45 -11
11 - 11:15
[17] Ruslan Kornev. On the group of computable automorphisms of the linear order of the reals. (Online)
Li. There is a deep 1-generic set
[23] Mikhail Starchak. Existential definability of unary predicates in Büchi arithmetic.
11:15 -11:30 Jacobsen-Grocott. Strong minimal pairs in the enumeration degrees.