Wangs Paradox: Dummets Case against Strict Finitism

Tomasz will introduce us to Michael Dummet’s famous argument against strict finitism in the philosophy of mathematics. Dummet observed that every strict finitist is committed to the paradox arising with the use of vague expressions – the Sorites paradox – and concluded that “strict finitism is, therefore, an untenable position”. Or is it?

Slides used in the presentation are available here.

Main reading:

  • Dummett, M. (1975). Wang’s paradox. Synthese, 30(3), 301-324.

Additional Bibliography

  • Magidor, O. (2012). Strict finitism and the happy sorites. Journal of philosophical logic, 41(2), 471-491.

  • Wright, C. (1982). Strict finitism. Synthese, 51(2), 203-282.

  • Dietz, R., & Moruzzi, S. (2010). Introduction. [in:] Dietz, R., & Moruzzi, S. (Eds.). (2010). Cuts and clouds: Vaguenesss, its nature and its logic. Oxford University Press 1-19.