LLAMA Seminar

This page concerns the Lectures on Logic and its Mathematical Aspects (LLAMA) seminar series at the Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.


Future Meetings

Click to reveal the abstract.

Previous Meetings

Talks from 2020 and earlier can also be found on the Algebra|Coalgebra seminar website.


The seminar is currently organized by Benno van den Berg, Nick Bezhanishvili, Iris van der Giessen, Marianna Girlando and Yde Venema. If you're interested in giving a talk at the seminar or have any questions regarding the seminar please contact Marianna at m.girlando@uva.nl.

If you want to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the LLAMA seminar mailing list, you can do so here.

Privacy Policy

The LLAMA seminar, under the Institute for Logic, Language and Computing (ILLC), located at Science Park 107, 1098 XG Amsterdam, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

The LLAMA seminar does not process personal data via this website (https://events.illc.uva.nl/llama), because it is not possible to leave personal data behind. We also do not use social media plugins.

The LLAMA seminar does not take decisions based on automated processing related to this website on matters that can have (significant) consequences for individuals, e.g., decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example an organiser of the LLAMA seminar).

The LLAMA seminar does not use cookies or similar techniques on this website.


The LLAMA seminar website has been set up by Tobias Kappé.